Partnership, perfected

Mikisew Group strives to have a true, hands-on partnership with every one of our best-in-class partners. We integrate as much as possible with their interests, allowing us to build greater capacity, trust and expertise on both sides. When deciding who to partner with, we focus on profitability and capacity building, as well as our mandate to support the Mikisew Cree First Nation and the communities where we work.

director image

Jaz Seera

Director, Corporate Development
Mikisew Group


For partnership opportunities, please contact Jaz Seera.

Mikisew ConeTec

Mikisew Group is proud to announce a new partnership with ConeTec Investigations Ltd. (“ConeTec”). Together we will serve the Alberta oil sands market as the Mikisew-ConeTec Limited Partnership. This partnership represents a material diversification of our services and a unique opportunity to provide diverse employment to the members of the Mikisew Cree First Nation. ConeTec is an international full-service mining, geo-environmental and geotechnical site investigation contractor with over 30 years of experience in the Alberta oil sands. ConeTec’s team offers clients best-in-class site characterization services across the globe, with a large presence in the Americas and Australia.   



The Mikisew-ConeTec partnership will offer the following services:

  • Tailings, geotechnical and environmental in-situ site characterization services
  • Rotary, sonic and auger drilling services
  • Ground improvement services
  • Other services complimentary to the equipment and expertise of the partnership